More to come. Beginning in issue #213, the British comic changed its format so that each issue included a partial reprint of of a U.S. story and a new, British-exclusive story. However, the reprints were now divided over more issues, instead of two, and the new stories were reduced to half their previous length. Just two issues later, these new stories began appearing in black-and-white.
Time Wars

The Underbase Saga

“Club Con!” -- 20 pages
- written by Bob Budiansky; pencils by José Delbo; inks by Dave Hunt
- has Optimus Prime, Fortress Maximus, and Grimlock happy together in the Ark, which is orbiting Earth
- has Ratbat and Starscream on the island spaceship, now back to being an island on Earth
- Blaster and Jesse try to rescue Buster Witwicky but fail
Snapdragon, Highbrow, and Apeface profile pages -- 3 pages
cover by Bob Budiansky and Kevin Nowlan; published by Marvel Comics; $1.00; cover-dated Dec 1988
Additional Images:

“The Flames of Boltax!” -- 18 pages
- written by Bob Budiansky; pencils by José Delbo; inks by Danny Bulanadi
- Buster Witwicky observes a “realvision” tape depicting Optimus Prime and Megatron on Cybertron (set during the early pages of Transformers Vol. 1 #1) in which the Underbase is ejected into space
Hardhead, Brainstorm, Chromedome, Crosshairs, and Searchlight profile pages -- 5 pages
cover by José Delbo and Dave Hunt; published by Marvel Comics; $1.00; cover-dated Jan 1989
“Cold War!, Part 1″ -- 10 pages
- reprints the first half of Transformers Vol. 1 #49

“Cold War!, Part 2″ -- 10 pages
- reprints the second half of Transformers Vol. 1 #49 and the first two pages of Transformers Vol. 1 #50

More U.S. Issues
“The Man in the Machine!”
- written by Bob Budiansky; pencils by José Delbo; inks by Dave Hunt
- in the wake of “The Underbase Saga,” Spike Witwicky plans to abandon being a Headmaster but finds his mojo again after an attack ordered by Scorponok
“Guess Who the Mecannibals are Having for Dinner?”
- written by Bob Budiansky; pencils by José Delbo; inks by Dave Hunt
- Optimus Prime sends Landmine and Cloudburst on a mission to get microchips to help with repairing the many Autobots lost during “The Underbase Saga”
- introduces the Mecannibals, robots who eat other robots
- features Sky Lynx
- continues into Transformers Vol. 1 #53
“Recipe for Disaster!”
- written by Bob Budiansky; pencils by José Delbo; inks by Dave Hunt
- Landmine and Cloudburst travel to Femax, a plant ruled by women, who treat men as slaves
- Darkwing and Dreadwind oppose Landmine and Cloudburst, but are stopped by Sky Lynx
- ends with Landmine and Cloudburst having failed in their mission to procure more microchips and Sky Lynx departing (he was never seen again)

“A Small War!” -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Jeff Anderson
- black-and-white
- introduces the Micromasters (specifically, the Battle Patrol) on Cybertron
- features Thunderwing as Decepticon leader on Cybertron
- opens with the caption “fourteen months ago,” which doesn’t make sense (especially because Thunderwing is Decepticon leader) but was probably meant to place this tale before “King Con!” (Transformers Vol. 1 #54), which began to be serialized in this issue
“King Con!, Part 1″
- reprints the first fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #54
Additional Images:

“A Small War!, Part 2″ -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Geoff Senior
- black-and-white
- Decepticons reverse-engineer the Micromaster process, creating the Air Strike Patrol
- repeats “fourteen months ago” in a caption (surely a mistake)
“King Con!, Part 2″
- reprints the second fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #54
Additional Images:
“King Con!”
- written by Bob Budiansky; pencils by José Delbo; inks by Danny Bulanadi
- Optimus Prime request reinforcements from Cybertron and gets the Micromasters (specifically, the Off Road Patrol and the Race Car Patrol)
- Optimus Prime mentions the Autobots’ losses in Transformers Vol. 1 #50 and his failed attempt to repair those lost (as seen in Transformers Vol. 1 #52-53)
“The Interplanetary Wrestling Championship!”
- written by Bob Budiansky; pencils by Bob Budiansky and Jim Fern; inks by Mike Gustovich
- Scorponok gets the Micromaster Air Strike Patrol from Cybertron as reinforcements
U.K. Stories

“Deathbringer, Part 1″ -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Geoff Senior
- black-and-white
- Optimus Prime rather casually reveals (for the first time) that the Matrix was lost with his original body (something otherwise only summarized in Transformers Vol. 1 #62)
- features Nightbeat, placing this story after Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #230-231
- features Ratchet, placing this story before Transformers Vol. 1 #56
- refers to the wounded from “The Underbase Saga”
“King Con, Part 4″
- reprints the final fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #54
Additional Images:

“Deathbringer, Part 2″ -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Staz
- black-and-white
- the Autobots battle Deathbringer, whom Optimus Prime recognizes as having the power of the Matrix (hinting at the Matrix’s corruptability)
- the Autobots who heard about the Matrix’s loss in this story apparently don’t tell anyone, since there’s no reference to this until “Whose Lifeforce is it Anyway?” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #249) and “Matrix Quest”
- although this story sets up later storylines, it also reflects the need to repair those damaged, which connects it to earlier issues
- this story was referenced in Transformers Vol. 1 #65 (the only time a U.S. story explicitly acknowledged the events of a U.K. story)
“The Interplanetary Wrestling Championship!, Part 1″
- reprints the first fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #55
Additional Images:

“Race with the Devil” -- 6 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Andrew Wildman
- black-and-white
- occurs on 24 April 1989
- features Darkwing and Dreadwind (presumably after their appearance in Transformers Vol. 1 #53)
- the first U.K. story to be originally printed in black-and-white since “Raiders of the Last Ark” 200 issues earlier
“Guess Who the Mecannibals are Having for Dinner?, Part 3″
- reprints the third fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #52
Octane and Motormaster profile page -- 1 pages
cover by Jeff Anderson; published by Marvel Comics / Marvel U.K.; cover-dated 29 Apr 1989
Additional Images:

“Race with the Devil, Part 2″ -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Andrew Wildman
- Darkwing and Dreadwind are on a mission to retrieve Starscream’s corpse, which they find moving like a zombie
- originally written and drawn with part one to be a single chapter
- black-and-white
“Guess Who the Mecannibals are Having for Dinner?, Part 4″
- reprints the final fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #52
Additional Images:

“Race with the Devil, Part 3″ -- 6 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Andrew Wildman
- Darkwing and Dreadwind allude to an employer who sent them on this mission
- takes place on 1 May 1989
- black-and-white
“Recipe for Disaster!, Part 1″
- reprints the first fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #53
Additional Images:

“Race with the Devil, Part 4″ -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Andrew Wildman
- black-and-white
- Darkwing and Dreadwind succeed in retrieving Starscream’s corpse
- because this is essentially a lead-in to Simon Furman’s first U.S. storyline, it should probably be placed as close to that as possible (and it doesn’t make sense for Darkwing and Dreadwind to be flying back with Starscream’s corpse for too long)
- Darkwing and Dreadwind’s mysterious employer is later revealed (in Transformers Vol. 1 #56, the first time a U.S. issue referenced a U.K. story) to be Megatron (which presumably places this story after “Two Megatrons!” because it was the real Megatron who hired Darkwing and Dreadwind, not Megatron’s clone)
“Recipe for Disaster!, Part 2″
- reprints the second fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #53
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Simon Furman’s First U.S. Storyline

“Back from the Dead!” -- 16 pages
- written by Simon Furman; pencils by José Delbo; inks by Dave Hunt
- Ratchet is haunted by his inability to repair those lost
- the Micromasters remain the focus of the series
- the Decepticons capture Ratchet
- Megatron’s return is revealed at the end (although he was never gone for long in the U.K. stories)
Battletrap, Blot, Cutthroat, Goldbug, Rollbar, and Wide Load profile pages -- 6 pages
Simon Furman’s first issue; cover by José Delbo; published by Marvel Comics; $1.00; cover-dated Sept 1989
Additional Images:

“The Resurrection Gambit!” -- 16 pages
- written by Simon Furman; pencils by José Delbo; inks by Dave Hunt
- continues from Transformers Vol. 1 # 56
- depicts Ratchet’s call (in Transformers Vol. 1 #56) from Optimus Prime’s perspective
- Scorponok’s forces attack those of Optimus Prime
- in the end, Megatron reveals his plan to revive Starscream to Ratchet, his prisoner
- references Darkwing and Dreadwind’s mission to recover Starscream’s body (seen in “Race with the Devil,” Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #215-218)
Cloudraker, Overkill, and Slugfest profiles -- 6 pages
- unlike most Transformers profile pages, these are each expanded to two pages simply by blowing up the art (presumably to take up more space)
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“All the Familiar Faces!” -- 16 pages
- written by Simon Furman; pencils by José Delbo; inks by Dave Hunt
- Megatron offers Dreadwind and Darkwing permanent jobs, and they mention the Mecannibals may still be on their tail
- Ratchet succeeds in rebuilding Starscream as a mindless zombie
- after Megatron reneges on his bargain with Ratchet, Ratchet flees and we discover that he’s used rebuilt Jazz, Bumblebee, and Grimlock as Pretenders
Afterburner, Lightspeed, Nosecone, Scattershot, Strafe, Computron profile pages -- 6 pages
cover by José Delbo; published by Marvel Comics; $1.00; cover-dated Nov 1989
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“Skin Deep”
- written by Simon Furman; pencils by José Delbo; inks by Dave Hunt
- the mindless Starscream attacks Scorponok’s forces along with the Autobots, but he’s defeated when a blast makes his old personality return
- on Cybertron, Megatron defeats Grimlock, Bumblebee, and Jazz, then confronts Ratchet, who detonates himself along with Megatron
Nautilator, Overbite, Seawing, Skalor, Snaptrap, Tentakil, and Piranacon profile pages -- 7 pages
cover by José Delbo; published by Marvel Comics; $1.00; cover-dated Nov 1989
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U.K. Interludes

“Underworld!” -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Jeff Anderson
- black-and-white
- Autobot cadets Subsea, Tailgate, and Flattop undergo an initiation in the caverns of Cybertron, but are attacked by mutants
- the mutants kill Subsea and Flattop, but Tailgate survives
- Outback and Pipes launch a rescue mission, but arrive to find they are not needed
- the underground explosion that saved Tailgate releases something
- continues into “Demons!” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #246)
“The Resurrection Gambit!, Part 3″
- reprints the final third of Transformers Vol. 1 #57
“Divided We Fall!” -- 3 pages
- written by Dan Abnett; art by Stewart Johnson
- Cobra Commander (in his battle armor) and Destro brag about dominating both G.I. Joe and Action Force
- G.I. Joe and Action Force decide to team up (reflecting how Action Force was being rebranded “G.I. Joe, the Action Force”)
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- written by Simon Furman; art by Jeff Anderson
- black-and-white
- features Grimlock, Jazz, and Bumblebee (following their resurrection in Transformers Vol. 1 #58)
- takes place between Transformers Vol. 1 #59 and #60
- it’s unclear how much time has elapsed since “Underworld!” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #245)
- continues into “Dawn of Darkness” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #247)
“All the Familiar Faces!, Part 1″
- reprints the first third of Transformers Vol. 1 #58
Additional Images:

“Dawn of Darkness” -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Geoff Senior
- black-and-white
- after the demons are defeated, Emirate Xaaron explains that they were evil counterparts of the Matrix’s good creations and that they were entombed by Primus (foreshadowing events in the U.S. series)
“All the Familiar Faces!, Part 2″
- reprints the second third of Transformers Vol. 1 #58
Additional Images:

“Out to Lunch!” -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Andrew Wildman
- black-and-white
- a humorous story starring Darkwing and Dreadwind, who are still being hunted by the Mecannibals (following their appearance on Cybertron in “All the Familiar Faces!” in Transformers Vol. 1 #58)
- Thunderwing has declared that Cybertron’s pubs are no longer neutral ground
- follows up on Megatron’s apparent death in “Skin Deep” (Transformers Vol. 1 #59), since Megatron was Darkwing and Dreadwind’s employer
“Back from the Dead!, Part 1″
- reprints the first third of Transformers Vol. 1 #56
Additional Images:

“Fallen Star!” -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Andrew Wildman
- black-and-white
- Starscream, following events in Transformers Vol. 1 #58-59, struggles to find his place
“All the Familiar Faces!, Part 3″
- reprints the final third of Transformers Vol. 1 #58
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Two U.S. Stories

“Yesterday’s Heroes” -- 18 pages
- written by Simon Furman; pencils by José Delbo; inks by Dave Hunt
- Optimus Prime wrestles with his mission, in the wake of Ratchet’s apparent death
- with the Autobots resurgent on Cybertron (in part due to the revival of Grimlock, Jazz, and Bumblebee), Decepticon leader Thunderwing orders the Mayhem Attack Squad to kill the Autobot revivals
- on the Moon, Optimus Prime defeats a malfunctioning Guardian droid and finds his fighting spirit again
- when the Mayhem Attack Squad attacks the Autobots, they’re all transported elsewhere, where they meet their god Primus
- this issue is notable for Furman suddenly importing many U.K.-exclusive concepts (including the revised Mayhem Attack Squad, the Guardian droids, Emirate Xaaron, and Primus)
Misfire, Pointblank, Slugslinger, and Sureshot profile pages -- 4 pages
cover by José Delbo and Danny Bulanadi; published by Marvel Comics; $1.00; cover-dated Dec 1989
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“Primal Scream” -- 18 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Geoff Senior
- the displaced Transformers, actually deep inside Cybertron, learn the origin of their race, in which Primus and Unicron fought until Primus hid in a massive metal asteroid and Unicron followed suit
- Unicron learned to shape his metal prison and transform it into a giant robot, spurring Primus to create his own, smaller Transformers
- to this day, Unicron hunts for Primus, who slumbers
- in the present, a shot by Octopunch ricochets and hits Primus, causing him to scream, which Unicron (in deep space) hears
- this issue is notable as the first U.S. issue to feature interior art by a U.K. artist (although U.K. artist Dan Reed did the cover to U.S. issue #56)
Triggerhappy, Landfill, Quickmix, and Scoop profile pages -- 4 pages
cover by Don Perlin and Vince Mielcarek; published by Marvel Comics; $1.00; cover-dated mid-Dec 1989
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Matrix Quest Prologues

“Whose Lifeforce is it Anyway?” -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Staz
- black-and-white
- Emerate Xaaron for a briefing about a mission involving the Matrix (placing this story immediately after “Primal Scream” from Transformers Vol. 1 #61, which sets up the “Matrix Quest” storyline)
- focuses on Longtooth, who has a fragment of Matrix energy, which (at the end) he sends to Earth to help the deactivated there
“Skin Deep, Part 1″
- reprints the first third of Transformers Vol. 1 #59
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“The Greatest Gift of All!” -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Staz
- black-and-white
- on Christmas Eve, Longtooth’s piece of the Matrix arrives on Earth, and Optimus Prime debates which one Autobot to use it and revive
- Optimus Prime considers reviving Red Alert, since the Autobots need a medic (following Ratchet’s apparent death in Transformers Vol. 1 #59)
- features the Rescue Patrol on Earth (they arrived in Transformers Vol. 1 #61)
- when a battle destroys a forest, Optimus Prime uses the Matrix fragment to heal it (which would make this as nice a story for Earth Day as for Christmas)
- the fifth and final U.K. Christmas story
- the final original U.K. story to tie into U.S. continuity (subsequent stories focus on the future chracters and the Earthforce contingent of characters)
“Skin Deep, Part 2″
- reprints the second third of Transformers Vol. 1 #59
Additional Images:
U.K. Issues (Not in Order), Part 1: Thunderwing
“The Big Shutdown!, Part 1″
- written by Simon Furman; art by Lee Sullivan
- introduces Nightbeat
- features Thunderwing, who’s eager to rise in the Decepticon ranks
- black-and-white
“The Big Shutdown!, Part 2″
- written by Simon Furman; art by Lee Sullivan
- ends with Thundering disappearing into water, defeated and perhaps deactivated
- black-and-white

- written by Simon Furman; art by Andrew Wildman
- black-and-white
- Thunderwing rises from the waters (following his defeat in “The Big Shutdown!, Part 2″ in Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #231)
- Thunderwing is told to return to Cybertron for consideration for Decepticon leadership, but he readies an attack on the Ark instead
“Back from the Dead!, Part 2″
- reprints the second third of Transformers Vol. 1 #56
“Assault on the Ark!”
- written by Simon Furman; art by Andrew Wildman
- black-and-white
- continues from Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #241
- Thunderwing attacks the Ark and battles Optimus Prime
- Thunderwing is made Decepticon leader
- takes place before “A Small War!” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #232-233) and “Out to Lunch!” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #240), which show or reference Thunderwing as already being Decepticon leader
“Back from the Dead!, Part 3″
- reprints the final third of Transformers Vol. 1 #56
U.K. Issues (Not in Order), Part 2: Megatron
“The Fall and Rise of the Decepticon Empire, Part 1″
- written by Simon Furman; art by Lee Sullivan
- following “Time Wars,” Megatron and Ravage take the Mayhem Attack Squad’s ship to Cybertron
- this story was originally intended to be a single part (prior to be title’s format change), which accounts for this first part’s weak cliffhanger
“Guess Who the Mecannibals are Having for Dinner?, Part 1″
- reprints the first fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #52
“The Fall and Rise of the Decepticon Empire, Part 2″
- written by Simon Furman; art by Lee Sullivan
- Megatron becomes Decepticon leader
- Megatron won’t be shown doing anything as Decepticon leader (in fact, in his next appearance, in Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #243, this Megatron will be revealed to be a clone)
- this was the final new U.K. story in the main title to be printed originally in color
“Guess Who the Mecannibals are Having for Dinner?, Part 2″
- reprints the second fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #52

“Mind Games”
- written by Simon Furman; art by Staz
- black-and-white
- following “The Fall and Rise of the Decepticon Empire,” Megatron is haunted by Lord Straxus, who once tried unsuccessfully to possess Megatron
- an intruder approaches who turns out to be another Megatron
“The Resurrection Gambit!, Part 1″
- reprints the first third of Transformers Vol. 1 #57
“Two Megatrons!”
- written by Simon Furman; art by Geoff Senior
- black-and-white
- continues from “Mind Games” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #243)
- the Megatron seen (only in U.K. stories) since Transformers Vol. 1 #25 is revealed to be a clone possessed by Lord Straxus
- the U.K. Megatron kills himself, leaving only the real Megatron (seen here for the first time since Transformers Vol. 1 #25)
“The Resurrection Gambit!, Part 2″
- reprints the second third of Transformers Vol. 1 #57
U.K. Stories (Not in Order), Part 3: Miscellaneous
“(Double) Deal of the Century!”
- written by Simon Furman; art by Andrew Wildman
- black-and-white
- introduces Doubledealer
- features the Micromasters, placing this after “A Small War” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #232-233) and “King Con” (Transformers Vol. 1 #54)
U.K. Stories (Not in Order), Part 4: Survivors
“Survivors!, Part 1″
- written by Simon Furman; art by Dan Reed
- black-and-white
- Skids returns from limbo (having vanished way back in “Fallen Angel,” 120 issues earlier)
- features Carnivac, Snarler, and Catilla after Transformers Vol. 1 #51
“Recipe for Disaster!, Part 3″
- reprints the third fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #53
“Survivors!, Part 2″
- written by Simon Furman; art by Dan Reed
- black-and-white
“Recipe for Disaster!, Part 4″
- reprints the final fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #53
“Survivors!, Part 3″
- written by Simon Furman; art by John Stokes
- black-and-white
“Survivors!, Part 4″
- written by Simon Furman; art by John Stokes
- black-and-white
“Hunting Party!”
- written by Simon Furman; art by Simon Coleby
- black-and-white
- features the new Mayhem Attack Squad (including Bludgeon)
- ends with the new Mayhem Attack Squad ready to go after the deserters Carnivac and Catilla (following “Survivors!” from Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #219-222)
- continues into Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #237-239
“Way of the Warrior”
- written by Simon Furman; art by Simon Coleby
- black-and-white
- the new Mayhem Attack Squad from “Hunting Party!” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #229) attacks Carnivac
“The Interplanetary Wrestling Championship!, Part 2″
- reprints the second fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #55
“Survival Run”
- written by Simon Furman; art by Lee Sullivan
- continues from “Way of the Warrior” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #237)
- black-and-white
“The Interplanetary Wrestling Championship!, Part 3″
- reprints the third fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #55
“A Savage Place!”
- written by Simon Furman; art by Geoff Senior
- black-and-white
- continues from “Survival Run” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #238)
- Bludgeon kills Catilla, causing Carnivac to swear vengeance on the Mayhem Attack Squad
- the Survivors story would continue in “Cry Wolf!” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #272)
“The Interplanetary Wrestling Championship!, Part 4″
- reprints the final fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #56
Aspects of Evil (Not in Order)
“Aspects of Evil!, Part 1″
- written by Simon Furman; art by Jeff Anderson
- black-and-white
- features a framing sequence set in 2356 featuring a sickly Rodimus Prime
- Rodimus Prime recalls Scorponok in 1991
“Aspects of Evil!, Part 2″
- written by Simon Furman; art by Art Wetherwell
- black-and-white
- Rodimus Prime recalls Galvatron in 2009, immediately following the alterations to the future timeline in “Time Wars”
- Galvatron awakens Unicron within the Matrix, setting up later future stories
“Aspects of Evil!, Part 3″
- written by Simon Furman; art by Andrew Wildman
- black-and-white
- Rodimus Prime recalls Shockwave in 2004, when Autobot City was newly built
“Aspects of Evil!, Part 4″
- written by Simon Furman; art by Lee Sullivan
- black-and-white
- Rodimus Prime recalls Megatron in 1990 (which doesn’t fit 1990 as it later developed)
“Aspects of Evil!, Part 5″
- written by Simon Furman; art by Simon Coleby
- black-and-white
- Rodimus Prime recalls Unicron’s third coming in 2010
- as the framing story ends, we learn that even in 2356, Unicron is still trapped in the Matrix and may be returning
Future Stories (Not in Order)

“Prime’s Rib” -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Andrew Wildman
- black-and-white
- in July 1995, Optimus Prime creates Arcee in an attempt to placate human feminists
“King Con, Part 3″
- reprints the third fourth of Transformers Vol. 1 #54
Additional Images:

pin-up of Ultra Magnus and Galvatron -- 2 pages
“What’s in a Name?” -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman; pencils by Will Simpson; inks by David Elliot
- reveals how Swoop, once called Divebomb, was defeated by a Decepticon who took the name Divebomb
- occurs during “Grudge Match, Part 1″
“Vicious Circle!” -- 11 pages
- written by Simon Furman; pencils by Jeff Anderson; inks by Dave Harwood
- Ultra Magnus and Galvatron are both apparently destroyed, leaving only Goldbug to walk away
“Ark Duty” -- 7 pages
- takes place in 2003, as Ultra Magnus is heading the construction of Autobot City on Earth
- the Stunticons fight Kup, and Hot Rod disobeys orders to stay put, leading to his own speculation that he might “never learn to act responsibly” (foreshadowing his growth in Transformers: The Movie)
“The Headmasters Saga” -- 24 pages
- split into three chapters (titled “Doomsday for Nebulos,” “Stylor’s Story,” and “The Final Conflict”)
- illustrated prose story
- chapter one (“Doomsday for Nebulos”) is a pretty faithful retelling of “Ring of Hate!” and part of “Broken Glass!” (Transformers: Headmasters #1-2), except that the Decepticons don’t take Zarak and company prisoner right away
- chapter two (“Stylor’s Story”) is a pretty faithful retelling of the rest of “Broken Glass!” (from Stylor’s point of view, which might account for any deviations)
- chapter three (“The Final Conflict”) recounts the final part of the conflict on Nebulos before those Transformers left for Earth and deviates severely from Transformers: Headmasters #3-4 (this annual was published between those two issues, so they weren’t available at the time this story was written)
profile pages for Brainstorm, Chromedome, Hardhead, Highbrow, Mindwipe, Skullcruncher, and Weirdwolf -- 7 pages
published by Marvel Comics / Marvel U.K.; hardcover; published 1 Aug 1987
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pin-up featuring Hot Rod, several Headmasters, Megatron, and Galvatron -- 2 pages
“The Saga of the Transformers — So Far!” -- 7 pages
- written by Simon Furman
- illustrated prose story
- loosely summarizes the Transformers story through Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #161
- features Adam Reynolds, who hacked the Decepticon mainframe in “In the Beginning…” (from Transformers Annual 1987) and has since been searching for the Autobot mainframe
- at the end, Adam Reynolds decides to become a Headmaster (but he’s never shown again)
“Altered Image!” -- 6 pages
- script by Ian Rimmer; story by Simon Furman; art by Lee Sullivan
- Megatron confronts Galvatron (fulfilling Shockwave’s plan, hatched in Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #153), but they decide to work together instead (as seen in “Time Wars”)
Megatron pin-up -- 1 pages
“Prime Bomb!” -- 14 pages
- written by Ian Rimmer; art by Robin Smith
- split into two parts
- illustrated prose story
- features Optimus Prime (a Powermaster) on Earth
- has Dreadwind and Darkwing working for Scorponok on Earth (something not established or seen otherwise)
- has the Combaticons on Earth working for Scorponok (although this isn’t established or seen otherwise)
- since Optimus Prime isn’t struggling with being back on Earth, as seen in Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #198, this story probably best occurs between that and “Time Wars” (which begins in Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #199)
“All in the Minds!” -- 11 pages
- written by Simon Furman; art by Dan Reed
- Scorponok attacks Highbrow (he previously targeted Highbrow on Nebulos in “Worlds Apart!”)
- at the end, Highbrow defeats Scorponok and takes Scorponok’s head
pin-up of Scorponok fighting Highbrow -- 1 pages
- taken from Lee Sullivan’s cover to Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #157
“Peace” -- 6 pages
- written by Richard Alan; art by Robin Smith
- in 2510, the final Decepticons are defeated, and Rodimus Prime appoints Springer his successor, sparking a civil war with those who support Ultra Magnus instead of Springer
Rodimus Prime pin-up -- 1 pages
profile pages featuring the Seacons (Nautilator, Seawing, Skalor, Snaptrap, Tentakil, and Jawbreaker) -- 6 pages
- Jawbreaker is normally known as Overbite
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