With the demise of Action Comics Weekly, DC set about resurrecting Green Lantern. To do so, it wisely sought to precede a new series with Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn, a six-issue mini-series retelling Hal Jordan’s acquisition of his ring. An excellent storyline, it was followed immediately by a third Green Lantern series. Before it was a year old, a second six-issue mini-series entitled Emerald Dawn II was launched.
A little over a year after Emerald Dawn II wrapped, DC offered the prestige format one-shot Green Lantern: Ganthet’s Tale, co-written by science fiction great Larry Niven. It told a tale from Hal Jordan’s early days and introduced the Guardian named Ganthet, who would soon become crucial to the Green Lantern mythos.
The ongoing Green Lantern that spun out of Emerald Dawn will be addressed on the following page.