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True Faith

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Portraits In Alienated British Youth Circa 1989-90, Part Twelve : Where It All Hits The Fan

There’s no doubt about it — chapter ten of Garth Ennis and Warren Pleece’s True Faith, entitled “False Gods,” is an absolute barn-burner. Or church-burner, I guess, as the case may be. The authorities —… [more]

Portraits In Alienated British Youth Circa 1989-90, Part Eleven : Enter The Iron Lady

You knew it had to happen at some point in the pages of True Faith : Nigel, Terry, and their newfound “friends” have been entirely too successful in their church-burning campaign and,  this being 1989… [more]

Portraits In Alienated British Youth Circa 1989-90, Part Ten: Into The Fire

Here, friends, in where things get worse—not for True Faith itself per se, as Garth Ennis and Warren Pleece are both really hitting their stride at this point in the story—but for poor, hapless Nigel… [more]

Portraits in Alienated British Youth Circa 1989-90, Part Nine: Out Of His Depth

As part five of Garth Ennis and Warren Pleece’s True Faith opens, we find our young protagonist, Nigel Gibson, well and truly out of his depth as lunatic (by most people’s standards, at any rate)… [more]

Portraits in Alienated British Youth Circa 1989-90, Part Eight: Flushed Down The Toilet

There’s a question I just know you’re dying to ask right now—“dude, if you’re talking about True Faith, why do you have a cover scan of Preacher #1 at the top of your article?” It’s… [more]

Portraits In Alienated British Youth Circa 1989-90, Part Seven: “I Feel So Extraordinary”

Those were the opening lyrics to New Order’s breakthrough hit “True Faith,” but let’s be honest—they don’t have jack shit to do with the frame of mind of Nigel Gibson, the teenage protagonist in Garth… [more]

Portraits In Alienated British Youth Circa 1989-90, Part Six: A “Crisis” Of Faith

The next stop on our tour of British comics focused on disenfranchised teens/twentysomethings in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s brings us to True Faith, a smart, satirical, dare I say sometimes even poignant look… [more]

Portraits In Alienated British Youth Circa 1989-90, Part One: Introduction

Maybe it was something in the water—or something in the air—or just something floating around in the larger cultural zeitgeist of the time—but whatever the reason behind it all may have been, from the late… [more]