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Steven Kirsh

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Diagram for Delinquents Update #12: Undercovers

Once again, we begin with another Diagram for Delinquents promotional card. Top prize to the reader that collects them all! This week’s is another minimalist promo, but it has a starkness and color I appreciate. I… [more]

Diagram for Delinquents Update #11: Community

Let me first open with another new promo card I made. I kind of like this one. It has more color than the previous promos and I like the presence of the hand in the… [more]

Diagram for Delinquents Update #7: The Reboot

Dear Backers, Believers, and the Curious (Soon to be Recruited to the Cause): Let me begin by again thanking the Kickstarter funders for your support and belief in our documentary film, Diagram for Delinquents. This film… [more]

Diagram for Delinquents Update #6: Kafka for the Kiddies

One of the foundational discussions of our film is violence and its effects on children. This is what set Dr. Wertham in motion, it’s one of the major discussions led in the Senate Subcommittee on… [more]