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Magazine content related to Pluto
Pluto: The Popular Culture Planet
Pluto, which our species is seeing up close for the first time this week, is a planet almost as firmly embedded in popular culture as Mars, and yet we know comparatively nothing about it. Since… [more]
Wrestling Robots and Philosophical Musings: Examining Pluto
Naoki Urasawa’s Pluto is a damn good comic. If there’s only one thing you get from this article, it should be a burning desire to purchase and read Pluto. Naoki Urasawa is one of the… [more]
My Introduction to Manga, Part 2: A Mechanical Emerson for the Future in Urasawa’s Pluto
In 1942, Isaac Asimov introduced the world to the three laws of robotics and, in doing so, set the stage that later science fiction writers interested in writing about robots would have to cross.