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JJ Abrams

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Awakens and Awakens…

My friend Kellie on Facebook wanted to post something about Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but before doing so, she posted this insane spoiler alert: I wanna discuss A Thing about Star Wars. If you’re… [more]

The New Star Wars Trailer: It’s All Real

I know what JJ Abrams, his marketing team and the entire apparatus of the Hollywood marketing machine are doing with Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I’m aware, at least to some extent, of how the… [more]

Screw the Star Wars Trailer

I like Star Wars. Swear to god. I really like Star Wars. I know it’s bad for me. I know that it’s not really worth the love. I really do. But I like it. I… [more]