Sequart Content Tagged:
Dan Clowes
Magazine content related to Dan Clowes
On Shia LaBeouf: An Explanation, but Not an Excuse
Recently, one of the big comics news stories involves actor Shia LaBeouf and his adaptation antics. To review: LaBeouf produced a short film titled, starring the fine comedian Jim Gaffigan and presented it at… [more]
Seduction of the Innocent with EIGHTBALL!
You must have heard, by now, about the high school teacher forced to resign after assigning Eightball #22 to a freshman. If you haven’t read about this fiasco, Heidi covers it pretty well over at… [more]
The Call for a Mainstream
Welcome to another New Comics Day. Sorry about the delay — the Day of Gorging and Celebrating the Massacre of the Natives really saps my energy. Just think, the day of Commercialized Spectacle and Consumer… [more]