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Bryan Fuller

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Blood and Breath: Hannibal‘s Series Finale

Hannibal’s series finale winds to a close with an obvious note of hope. Much like the season two finale, no one is definitely alive, but no one is definitively done either. It ends with a… [more]

He Left Us His Broken Heart: Hannibal Season Three Episode Two

The hypocrisy of network TV is immediately obvious in this week’s episode of Hannibal as a subtly censored version of Botticelli’s Primavera fades into a macabre reimagining of the painting. Then later when a mangled… [more]

Ethics Become Aesthetics: Hannibal Season Three Episode One

Hannibal’s season two finale was a catastrophic cliff hanger that saw almost every single protagonist bleeding out on the floor, life fading. The first thing we see in season three is a series of elegantly… [more]

On Season Two of Hannibal

A generally spoiler-free look at the second season of the delightfully depraved chronicles of everyone’s favorite cannibal… [more]

Hannibal vs. Bates Motel: One Kills the Other

Sometime last year a friend of mine recommended I watch Bates Motel, a show about a young Norman Bates. For those of you who don’t know who Norman Bates is – we can’t be friends.… [more]