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Vampires Never Stay Dead: Dark Shadows Found A Second Life in Comic Strips

In April 2024, Hermes Press reissued the Dark Shadows newspaper strip that ran from March 1971-March 1972. Gerard J. Waggett provides a remembrance of that series. Three weeks before ABC dropped the Gothic soap opera… [more]

Review: A Cultural History of the Punisher

Kent Worcester’s A Cultural History of the Punisher (2023, Intellect Books) was an interesting book to review, seeing as I am thanked in the preface as a “friend and scholar.” I’ll cop to being a… [more]

“The Old Bonds Between Man and Nature Have Been Broken”: Environmentalism, Mysticism, and Folk Horror in The Knights of Pendragon, Part 3

Although Gawain is victorious in it, Thomas’s vision also implies his own defeat at Captain Britain’s hands: after Gawain has killed Lancelot, he lifts the visor of his helmet to see the face of the… [more]

Thor ’77-’78: On the Never-Ending Road to Ragnarok, Part 12

The Mighty Thor #273: The newsman, Harris Hobbs, tells Thor he is going to film a television special about the Norse gods on location – in Asgard. Thor suggests such a request is not his… [more]

“The Old Bonds Between Man and Nature Have Been Broken”: Environmentalism, Mysticism, and Folk Horror in The Knights of Pendragon, Part 2

The presence of UNIT analogues W.H.O. in a rural location, investigating an anomaly connected to the land, brings to mind the folk horror-themed episodes of Doctor Who referred to by Scovell and mentioned above; however,… [more]

A Joke Stretched to Its Limits

The Brave and the Bold #111 (“Death Has the Last Laugh”) proclaimed itself “the strangest team-up in history,” pairing Batman with his arch-enemy, the Joker. The two join forces to capture a gangster who has… [more]

“The Old Bonds Between Man and Nature Have Been Broken”: Environmentalism, Mysticism, and Folk Horror in The Knights of Pendragon, Part 1

Although the title of the Marvel UK comic book series The Knights of Pendragon (1990-1993; Pendragon hereafter) refers to a group of superheroes, the main protagonist of its first six issues (July-Dec, 1990) is very… [more]

Thor ’77-’78: On the Never-Ending Road to Ragnarok, Part 11

The Mighty Thor #272: Thor flies over New York City, enjoying the freedom of a beautiful day on Earth, but still he spots some real trouble: a bully is beating up a kid in front… [more]