Magazine Archives for:

18 October 2015

Back to the Grind: Why the Grindhouse Needs to Return… Now

There was a time when movies were more than just moving pictures, a time when special effect sequences were only apart of the maker’s imaginations and had not reached the confines of our own reality,… [more]

And His Name Is Scott: Why Scott Snyder’s Work Exemplifies Magnificent Superhero Storytelling

There are numerous writers whose talents have lead to tremendous careers in the comic industry. With the greats ranging for Moore to Morrison, Miller to Pope, and Rucka to Brubaker, the list goes on of… [more]

Send in the Slashers: Why the Assembly of Cinema’s Greatest Horror Icons Can Be a Successful Movie Franchise

There is nothing like a great crossover story, a time when creators bring icons together in a vicious battle to see which one emerges victorious. Recently, however, the concept has become more popularized, with the… [more]