Magazine Archives for:

15 June 2015

Orange is the New Black Season 3

Like many people this weekend, I marathoned the entire third season of the Netflix series Orange is the New Black. (Many of us are also working on Sense8, which is a much more complex and… [more]

Smorgasbord #20: The Black Cat in the Hat

In the burning month of June one must thankful for the little things… like the lack of any recent controversies in the comics scene. Still, Shawn and Tom find much to talk about with IDW’s… [more]

He Left Us His Broken Heart: Hannibal Season Three Episode Two

The hypocrisy of network TV is immediately obvious in this week’s episode of Hannibal as a subtly censored version of Botticelli’s Primavera fades into a macabre reimagining of the painting. Then later when a mangled… [more]

Roger Ebert and the Golden Age of American Film Criticism, Part 1

Roger Ebert loved his hometown, his college, his newspaper, his friends, his lovers, and his travels. Like most great writers, he doesn’t explain so much as he inspires. [more]