Magazine Archives for:

9 March 2015

Descender #1: A Great Science Fiction Story Off to a Great Start

Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen’s Descender does what every successful comic does in its first issue: build the world, hook the reader, establish the themes and leave them wanting more. As space opera, it’s remarkably… [more]

Blind Swordfighting and Consumption: The Tale of Zatoichi

So Amazon is telling me that Gamera the Brave might not ship for months. Months! So while I’m waiting to finalize that particular series I thought I’d start another series I’ve been planning to review.… [more]

Tracing Some of the Roots of Scott McCloud’s The Sculptor, Part 1

In the midst of this very Postmodern setting, The Sculptor winds up echoing some very old legends with roots tracing back through 19th century Germany, 16th century England, and 1st century Rome. [more]