Magazine Archives for:

21 January 2015

Marvel is Rebooting Its Universe. So What?

“Don’t change anything, just give the illusion of change.” Those words—or something very much like them, at any rate—have been attributed to Stan Lee for ages now, and it’s been painfully obvious that Roy Thomas,… [more]

Southern Bastards: An Opera of the South

Southern Bastards seems like it’s very specifically about the American south. The focus on southern cooking (I can’t remember a comic book that made me hungry before, except possibly Watchmen’s references to the Gunga Diner),… [more]

Understanding Adventure Time’s Worldwide Adoration

In the modern iteration of pop culture, there are few television shows that have been as impactful as Adventure Time, and it is certainly not hard to see why. Whether it be nostalgia for a… [more]