Magazine Archives for:

30 June 2006

So Where’s Richard Pryor? (or, A Tactless Review of “Superman Returns”)

Please turn off all cell phones and pagers now! It’s time for another edition of Tact is for the Weak, the article that blew all its Vegas winnings on a mint condition copy of Showcase… [more]

House of Marvel #2

WARNING: There are some SPOILERS AHEAD… Welcome to the second House of Marvel article, brought to you by me, Jake Willis, via the wonderful world of As announced in the last column, this week… [more]

Ultimate Spider-Man: Power and Responsibility: Part 1

Ultimate Spider-Man #1: “Powerless” I’ve got a confession to make: I’ve never been a big Spider-Man follower before. Yes, I did see the movies, the sequel literally brought me to tears, and I consider it… [more]